Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How Green I Am

Hello fellow bloggers! There are two kinds of people in the world; the cautious and the reckless. Can you guess that I am the reckless type? No? Well, let me clue you in.

A few months ago, I became a statistic. Nothing random or tragic happened; it's just that my last child went off to college leaving me with an "empty nest." Now there were lots of things I could have done, like turn into an alcoholic, dyed my hair blue, taken a lover, etc. but those choices didn't interest me. So what did I do?

That's right - I started writing on the Internet. And now I write for Helium, AC and my very own blog. The thing is, I have no idea what I'm doing. And instead of lurking around, I decided to just jump in and learn on the job. How is it going, you ask? It feels exhilarating. I feel young, alive and enervated. The best part is all the wonderful people I've met on line who have been so helpful. So while it's not easy being green, it is fun!

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